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Friday, September 16, 2011

Secondary News Sept 2011

Important information from Mrs. Huff.

Dates and events to remember for all secondary students:
• As we approach the mid-quarter please be sure to check edline for your student’s progress. (Anyone still needing an edline login can email Mr. Lockwood for an activation code at
• Report cards will be sent home after the fall break

• The PSAT tests will be on the Wednesday before we leave for our fall break; October 12th from 8:00 – 10:50 am. Please be sure that your student has had a good breakfast and a good night’s sleep. They will also need to have a calculator of their own with them for the test as well as two to three #2 pencils.

• If your student is planning to take the College Entrance SATs another time or two the best test dates would be in October and November. Please go to to register.
• November 1-November 30th is the deadline for all UC applications for seniors interested in attending a UC in the fall. This is also the ‘Preferred’ application time for the Cal State colleges as well. Applications may be done online.
• Parents of seniors will want to plan to have their taxes done early this year if at all possible for the filing of the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), which will have to be completed by March 2nd, 2012. On this form, you can estimate your tax information if need be, but it is a smoother process if you have them already done. Watch for more information as the time approaches!
• Senior parents please be sure to check with your seniors about due dates. The picture frames for graduation will be available soon for you to purchase and pick up in the office. These are due back before we leave on Christmas Break (December 21). If you have not paid Mrs. Dani Patag the $62.00 (approximately) fee for your brick, picture frame, and graduation picture please do so ASAP. There is also a very urgent due date (Oct. 21st) to turn in your student’s baby pictures for your yearbook tribute page- please contact Miss Evans if you have not already done so.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Elementary Corner- September 2011

Elementary classes are off and running. The first few weeks are spent in review and teaching the students the standards and expectations of their new classrooms. Now, with that behind us, we are in the full swing of things. We cannot stress enough how important it is to have your child here promptly and to avoid any unneccessary absences. Significant ground is covered each day. Even though written work is made up, students miss the corresponding lesson leaving them a bit behind.

It was wonderful to see so many of you at Back to School Night. We love partnering with you in your child's education. Parental involvement is so necessary and invaluable. Thank you for all you do to support the elementary teachers!

Our first Parent Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th. Elementary students have no school that day to provide us with ample time to meet with every parent. Sign-ups will be in the school office, and a reminder will be sent home closer to that time.

The following day, October 19th will be our first Serve-a-Thon. We are so excited to get our students loving and serving others. Our hope is that we will be a blessing to others. Please encourage your child to be involved in sending out their support letters. Every bit helps!

As a reinforcement to strong reading and comprehension, students from 2nd to 5th grade are involved in the Accelerated Reading Program (AR). Students are tested and begin reading books at that level. After a book is read, a computerized comprehension test is taken. Your child's teacher helps each student set a reasonable point goal aiming at a comprehension score of 85% or better. Points are given for reading at the correct level, reading a required number of books, and achieving the required comprehension score. This is also a grade on the elementary report card. Please encourage your child to bring their AR books home as part of their homework routine. AR has proven to boost reading and comprehension scores on the SAT.

Finally, we are looking forward to some great events in the coming weeks and months. Look for more details on the Serve-a-thon, class field trips, and our annual Harvest Festival.

AVC is the place to be!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pastor John's Letter Sept. 2011

This summer I had the privilege of speaking at a camp in central California. Every evening they would close out the night with the Doxology. For those of you who are not familiar with the Doxology, it goes like this:
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
That is our focus here at AVCS – praising God and recognizing His many blessings that He pours out on us. We are so blessed to have your student on our campus, and we are excited to see what God is going to do in his/her life this year.

With that in mind, I wanted to give you a few ideas on how you can help your student succeed as we begin a new year. Here are a few basic reminders:
• Attendance-regular attendance in class is extremely important to your student's success. If your student will be out of school for several days, contact the school office to arrange for homework assignments to be collected for your student.
• Talk with your student about his/her school day. Help them see that school is a priority and help them develop goals for the school year.
• Provide adequate time and a place for your student to study. Monitor your student's progress through Edline. If you do not have an account set up yet, please contact the school office or Mr. Lockwood @
• Get to know your student's teachers; they are here to help your student be successful. Please don’t hesitate to contact the office or me if you have a question or concern.
• Become involved in your student's school life. Consider volunteering in the classroom or around the school (you can pick up a volunteer packet in the office). Support your student's activities.
As I said, we are very excited for the new school year and can’t wait to see what God is going to do in and through your student this year! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!