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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Discipline Policies


Parents and students, please read the dress code guidelines. If you do not have a copy of the dress code let the office know and we will be happy to give you one.

Just a few reminders:

· Girls, please make sure your skirts/dresses/shorts are to the knee; even with leggings, your shirts/skirts/dresses must be to the knee.
· You may wear professional dress slacks on chapel days. NO cords or colored jean type pants are allowed.
· Boys, please make sure you wear professional dress pants on chapel days. NO cords or colored jean type pants are allowed. Also, remember if you wear a shirt with a shirt-tail, it will need to be tucked in. Shirts that are straight cut at the bottom may be left untucked.
On chapel days we want to see our students in professional wear. Thank you for helping us prepare our students as they go into the work force and learn how to dress professionally.

If your student is out of dress code and you are unable to bring them a change of clothes, they will be required to change into PE clothes that are provided. Please wash and return them the next day. Thank you for your support as we encourage our students to have modest and appropriate dress. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wells or Pastor Richart at AVCS.


There have been a few changes in our tardy policy. Please note, if your student is tardy, we will give excused or unexcused tardies for record keeping only. However, once a student has reached 5 tardies (previously 3), regardless of excused or unexcused, they will serve a lunch detention. We realize there are times when your child has an appointment and will be late, but when they are late for whatever reason it is still disruptive to the class learning environment. Our tardy policy will be fully explained in our parent/student handbook, which will be available in the office soon. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Wells or Pastor Richart at AVCS.

Thank you for your support as we teach our students the value of being on time.


We do not allow cell phone use in the classrooms. Your students may use their cell phones at break and lunch as well as between classes. During class, we ask that they keep their phone on top of their desk at all times. Cell phone discipline procedure as follows:

1st Offense-their phone will be taken and turned into the office, and they lose phone privileges for four days. They must turn in their phone every morning and may pick up every afternoon.

2nd Offense-Parent must pick up their student's cell phone from the office.

3rd Offense-In-house suspension

If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Wells or Pastor Richart at AVCS.

Mrs. Wells
Discipline Coordinator

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