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Thursday, September 17, 2009

The "Big" Kids

The world of middle school can be a terrifying place--especially if you are one of those encountering it for the very first time. In middle school there is a whole new set of people to meet- both teachers and fellow students. The classes are now in new areas, and recess has been replaced by breaks. All this change can be difficult for an eleven or twelve year old suddenly being thrust into a new world. Thi newsletter reporter decided to interview Logan Johnson, Ashleigh Solorio, and Zach Richart to find out what it is like being “one of the big kids.”

After escorting our three interviewees out of the last class of the day, the first thing our reporter noticed about these students was the sheer amount of energy that they had. It shined through in every question they answered. When the reporter asked about how they enjoyed middle school so far, they responded with a wide variety of answers both good and bad. They discussed the shock of having lockers, the excitement of high school chapel, and the wonder of the amazing creatures that wander the campus- seniors. When asked about how middle school differed from elementary, Zach Richart replied, “Teachers expect a lot more of you. You’re given a lot more responsibility and stuff.”

This response allowed these students to come to a realization that not only did their environment change, but that they had changed as well. “The girls and guys just act differently,” stated Logan.

On the outside, they seemed like the same young carefree students that they had been a year ago, but they were beginning to see that there was something different within themselves and their fellow classmates. They had grown; they had matured. They had become middle schoolers.

By: Mark Medina, 9th grade

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