The elementary classes are off and running! The first few weeks are spent in review and teaching our students the expectations of their new classroom. Now, with that behind us, we are in the full swing of things. We cannot stress how important it is to have your child here promptly and to avoid any unnecessary absences. Significant ground is covered each day and even though written work is made up, students miss the corresponding lesson leaving them a bit behind.
It was great to see many of you at Back To School Night. We love partnering with you in your child's education. Parental involvement is necessary and invaluable! Thank you for all you do to support Elementary teachers.
Our first Parent Conferences are scheduled for October 19th. Elementary students have no school that day to provide us with ample time to meet with every parent. Sign-ups will begin soon in the school office, and a reminder will be sent home closer to that time.
Students in the second to fifth Grade are involved in the Accelerated Reading (AR) Program. Students are tested and then begin reading books at that level. After a book is read, a computerized comprehension test is taken. Your child's teacher helps each student set a reasonable point goal aiming at a comprehension score of 85% or better. Points are given for reading at the correct level, reading a required number of books, and achieving the comprehension score. Each classroom has rewards and incentives for your child's participation. There is also a grade given on the report card. Please encourage your child to bring their AR books home as part of their homework routine. AR is a proven way to boost reading and comprehension skills in students.
Finally, we are looking forward to some great events in the coming weeks and month. Look for details on the Family Campout, field trips, and our annual Harvest Festival! AVC is the place to be!
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