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Monday, April 4, 2011

Elementary Corner April 2011

Evidence of Spring is all around...finally and it is truly hard to believe we are in the fourth quarter. Now is the time to make our final push and finish strong! A few items....

Judging for the Elementary Speech Meet will take place, Wednesday, April 6th in each classroom. Two students will be selected in each category. Those semi-finalists will then perform their selection in Elementary Chapel on April 13th. All are welcome! Winners in each category will be chosen and will then go on to compete at the ACSI Speech Meet on May 13th at Hesperia Christian School .

You are cordially invited to our spring program entitled "Alive Alive" presented on April 19th, 6:30pm by the elementary choir in the main sanctuary. You will be blessed as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord through music and song!

As the weather warms up and students begin to pull out their summer clothes, please be mindful of the elementary dress code. Shorts/skorts should be a modest knee length and please no spaghetti strap tank tops. Also, shoes and sandals must be of a closed toe variety. Refer to the Elementary dress code for specifics.

Finally, SAT testing will begin on Tuesday April 26th and continue all week until they are completed. The test is administered first thing in the morning. If at all possible, please be prompt in bringing your child to school and avoid any unnecessary absences during the testing dates. Students should get as much rest as possible and start the day with a healthy breakfast. A healthy morning snack containing protein is also recommended. Thank you.

Enjoy this wonderful season!

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