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Friday, October 7, 2011

Kids Say the Darnedest Things

Kid’s Say the Darnedest Things

Kid’s have a way of lightening up any room they find themselves in. There wide, toothless grins and contagious laughter have a way of brightening up anyones’ day. For instance, to answer some of life’s most important questions we give deep over complicated answers. Kids, on the other hand, reply with much more spontaneous and unedited replies. Instead of giving deep thought, they spit out the first answer that comes to their minds. These answers are often sweet, random, and just simply silly. We decided to ask some Kindergarteners and 1st Graders some questions we thought would spark some imaginative replies. To our great satisfaction, they did not disappoint.


Q: What do you think about girls?
A: That they be pretty.

Q: Why are puppies cute?
A: Because they are different colors.
Q: How do you get to heaven?
A: Close your eyes and God lifts you up there.

Q: What is your best joke?
A: What’s a shark’s favorite game? Swallow the leader.

1st Grade
Q: What’s the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you?
A: I was with my brother Carter, and he made me fall off of the bead because he jacked my spot.
Q: What is Beauty?
A: I don’t know that question.
Q: Who is the smartest person on earth?
A: My dad because he knows math a lot.
Q: How do you get to heaven?
A: Asking Jesus in your heart, then he takes you there.

Q: Why do zebras have stripes?
A: To keep them warm.
Q: Tell me your funniest joke?
A: I’m out of here.

Q: Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
A: Because there were no bananas.
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: A cop because I want to use my gun.

Q: What do you think about girls?
A: That they look nice, and they’re pretty
Q: Why do your parents make you eat your vegetables?
A: If you eat vegetables they make you turn different colors.

Q: How do you cook a turkey?
A: I don’t cook turkeys.
Q: Who is your hero?
A: God and Jesus because they have powers to save us.

Q: Who is the smartest person one earth?
A: God… and Mrs. Foster is the smartest teacher on the earth.

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