The elementary teachers want to express sincere appreciation for all the gifts, cards, fabulous lunches and, most of all, the encouraging words we received during Teacher Appreciation Week. We all count it a privilege to teach your children and deeply value your support. Thank you!
AVC Presents.. was a fun-filled night of laughter and sweet moments. Thank you to all that came, brought your students to participate, and laughed with us. Please also plan to attend the Silent Auction scheduled for Thursday night, May 19th. There will be a fabulous assortment of themed baskets, services, and goods to bid on.
SAT testing is over, but we still have very important ground to cover in all grades. Please make every effort to have your student here on time and ready to work. If at all possible, please avoid any unnecessary absences during these last few crucial weeks of school.
Our all elementary end of the year party is scheduled for Tuesday, May 31st at Spring Valley Lake from 10:00 - 2:00pm. Please be on the lookout for a permission slip and specific details coming home soon.
Our fifth grade promotion is scheduled for Thursday, June 2nd, beginning at 8:15am in the sanctuary. A reception is immediately following in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome as we celebrate this milestone in the life of an elementary student. Please see Mr. Huff for specific details.
Let's finish strong!
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