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Monday, May 9, 2011

Science Camp

For countless classes throughout the years science camp is always a special time. It is a time that students talk about for the rest of middle school and even into high. It usually begins with, “Hey remember at science camp when we...”, but it always ends in laughter. In fact, looking back, most of the best memories from middle school are from science camp.

This year's sixth grade class was no different in this way. They left the school unsure about what was going to happen. Maybe some of them were unsure whether they wanted to go at all. When they got there though all of their previous notions were done away with as they pulled into the camps parking lot. They journeyed to the cabins which were, as the sixth graders described them, bug infested and slightly disgusting.

Then they experienced the food which had a mixed reception among the class. Some liked it while others thought it was terrible. The general consensus was that it was mediocre. What no one liked though is that they had to drink three cups of what the students called “toilet water.” The first day was kind of slow though as it consisted of a five mile hike and a late night chapel about space and the vastness of the universe.

The next day though they woke up bright and early to participate in team building exercises and finally heading up to the thrill chasing activity that is the zip line. Some were brave enough to take the leap of faith while others chickened out. Finally the day ended with another inspiring chapel session.

The third and final full day was probably the most packed. The class performed an activity called snowshoes in which they walked in the snow. This resulted in numerous falls by those in the class who were less graceful. Then the real action got under way as the class started the “ropes course.” This is a series of high elevation climbing and leaps that test fear and trust in your classmates at nearly 100 feet in the air. After dinner and chapel the day ended with a night around the campfire as the students along with their teacher roasted marshmallows and told stories until the wee hours of the night.

The next day was bittersweet as the students had to finally return home. But talking to them a few days later they all carried with them the same excitement that they had developed at camp. They all eagerly tried to get in stories about what had happened. And when asked whether they had a a good time the answer was a resounding, “YES!”
-Mark Medina

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